Søndag Søndag

Søndag Søndag is a Copenhagen/Berlin based duo.

The neo-classical duo is a collaboration between Grammy Award winning film composer Jesper Mechlenburg and classically trained violinist Katrine Grarup Elbo.
Søndag Søndag released their first album in 2020 and received of great reviews.

The duo is working on their second album which will recorded i Nils Frahms studio, Saal 3 / FUNKHAUS. The album "Flux Nebula" will be released in May 2 2025.
SØNDAG SØNDAG has significantly evolved their musical universe since their debut in 2020 with the album Søndag to Søndag. While their debut album explored various moods associated with Sunday, their latest release, "Flux Nebula" focuses on the grand and infinite aspects of the universe.
In "Flux Nebula" they draw inspiration from modern astrophysical theories, including the discovery of black holes and the fascinating idea of a ninth, yet unobserved planet in our solar system, which might be a black hole. This conceptual approach parallels the historical musical fascination with the cosmos, as seen in the works of composers like Gustav Holst, Erik Satie, John Cage, Rued Langgaard, Philip Glass, and Karlheinz Stockhausen, where the mysteries of the universe serve as a source of wonder and musical exploration.
The new album consists of ten compositions, each attempting to convey the deep fascination with the infinity and secrets of the universe.
The album contains tittles like "Messier 87", "Virgo Cluster" and "Quasar".

  • Piano: Jesper Mechlenburg
  • Violin: Katrine Grarup Elbo (We like We, Toechter)
  • Featuring artist and composer: Jeppe Kjellberg (Who Made Who)
  • Featuring artist: Gunnar Halle (trumpet)
Featuring artist: Søren Bigum (guitar) Contact: jespermechlenburg@gmail.com